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Topic: Peace & War

As the Bible says, there is “a time for war and a time for peace.” Just war pursues an admirable peace, not “peace” at any cost.

TOPIC OVERVIEW: "Mapping the Terrain—War and Peace" public
KJ Quick-Take: "Attacks on Christian Life and Property in Pakistan" public
"Defending the Innocent" -- Ambrose of Milan (c. 339 - 397)
"The Real Evils in War" -- Augustine (354 - 430)
"Blessed are the Warriors?" -- Augustine (354 - 430)
"Christian Jihad" -- Bernard of Clairvaux (1090 – 1153)
"Three Criteria of Just War" -- Thomas Aquinas (c. 1225 – 1274)
"Is It Lawful for Ministers to Fight?" -- Thomas Aquinas (c. 1225 – 1274)
"Pacifism Has Its Limits" -- Desiderius Erasmus (1466 - 1536)
"Rules of Warfare" -- Francisco de Vitoria (1483 – 1546)
"Don't Slay the Innocent" -- Francisco Suarez (1548 – 1617)
"Is War Lawful?" -- Francis Turretin (1623 – 1687)
"Torn Between Concord and Conflict" -- Continental Congress (1775)
"On the Lord's Side" -- Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
"War Only Upon Armed Men" -- Robert E. Lee (1807 - 1870)
"Confederate Pharaoh" -- Robert C. Mills (1819 - 1896)
"Jesus of the Scars" -- Edward Shillito (1872 – 1948)
"Defeat without a War" -- Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)
"Utopianism in the Morning Mail" -- Reinhold Niebuhr (1892 – 1971)
"The Finest Hour" -- Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)
"Reality Check" -- George Patton (1885 - 1945)
"Defending Principles Expounded by Jesus" -- Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890 - 1969)
"Pacifism and Moral Perversity" -- Reinhold Niebuhr (1892 – 1971)
"Heretical Pacifism" -- Reinhold Niebuhr (1892 – 1971)
"God's Purpose in War" -- Walter Maier (1893 - 1950)
"Why Do We Desire Peace?" -- Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899 - 1981)
"Love and the Just War" -- Paul Ramsey (1913 – 1988)
"Non-Combatants and Just War Theory" -- Paul Ramsey (1913 – 1988)
"Remember the Innocents" -- G. E. M. Anscombe (1919 - 2001)
"Peace More Deadly than War" -- Paul Seabury (1923 – 1990) & Angelo Codevilla (1943 – )
"A Soldier's Prayer" -- Frank R. Hamilton